The Institute of Materials Workshop (Iom) of the National Research Council (Cnr) is an interdisciplinary research center that combines synthesis of materials, advanced characterizations and numerical simulations, focusing on the study and development of innovative materials and devices at the nanoscale. Center of excellence in the nanotechnology field and national reference point for the management and access to large synchrotron light and neutron scattering infrastructures, the Cnr-Iom, was established in 2010 by combining experiences, skills and instrumentation from National Institute of Physics of Matter - INFM.
The mission of the institute is to bring new knowledge on the fundamental processes that determine the functionality of physical, chemical and biological systems, on the properties of advanced materials and their manufacture, with repercussions in the fields of nano sciences and nano technologies.
Today, Iom is spread over 3 locations and 2 joint research units:
Headquarters @ AREA Science Park, Trieste
Simulation Center @ SISSA, Trieste
SLACS Laboratory @ University of Cagliari
Research unit of Grenoble, @ Grenoble, France
Research Unit of Perugia, @ University of Perugia
Iom also manages 7 beamlines at Sincrotrone Trieste, 1 beamline at ESRF grenoble and two beamlines at ILL - Grenoble.